Thursday, January 3, 2013

Chin MP meets Chin prisoners in Malaysia jail

Pu Thang Thaik, a member of parliament of Chin state from the Chin National Party met prisoners in Langkap prison in Malaysia on 27 December 2012.
Pu Thang Thaik visited Langkap jail, where 32 Chin refugees including 11 women totaling 242 Burmese refugees are being detained, said a Chin refugee from Malaysia.
“Mostly, Hakha, Than Tlang and Matupi Township people are being detained in Langkap jail,” said a source in Malaysia.
Pu Thang Thaik was accompanied to the prison by Pastor Hram Cung Hnin and Pu Chan Bik, the Chairman of the Chin Christian Fellowship, said a local from Malaysia.
“We warmly welcomed and supported the visit to the prisoners by a Chin leader,” said a Chin refugee from Malaysia.
It is not clear how many Chin people are detained in Malaysia but there are 40,000 Chin refugees in Malaysia.
The office of United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees was set up in the capital of Chin state to liase on the situation of Chin refugees. Source: Khonumthung

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