Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Govt claimed Hakha received electricity at full capacity

The New Light of Myanmar, the government's mouthpiece, today said residents in Hakha, Chin State received sufficient supply of electricity. 
Contrary to claims by the government, Chin community in Hakha are to march across the Chin capital in a public rally to demand better power supply tomorrow.
A newly constructed sub-power station in Khuathar Ward of Hakha has provided electricity since its completion on 6 December last year, according to government's newspaper.
"The local people now enjoy supply of electricity at full capacity thanks to the establishment of sub-power station," said the New Light of Myanmar (NLM).
With an extension of 11/0.4 KV, 100 KVA, the sub-power station is equipped with 1,230 feet long 11 KV line and 5280 feet long 400 volt power lines, according to NLM.
Speaking to Chinland Guardian today, Salai Lian from Hakha said: "We don't even have power tonight. We are using a private electric generator right now. A lot of families are in the dark."
A Chin pastor from Khuathar told Chinland Guardian he didn't see any improvement of electricity in his area.
"Some people who do not know but read about Chin State in the newspaper would just think electricity supply in Hakha is working. Why would a government that embraces positive and democratic changes give such information?," remarked a Chin community leader, who asked not to be named.
At a meeting held between community leaders and government officials in Hakha today, Pu Cin Lian Pau, Chin Minister for Electric and Industry, told protest organizers to reschedule the event until a new machine for electricity generation arrives in a few days.
The Chin minister said the central government was also concerned about the electricity situation facing local people as he ascribed the current problems to budget issues, adding: "An attempt has been made to provide diesel enough for two-hour supply of electricity in Hakha."
Despite persuasion by government officials and ministers to postpone the 'planned' demonstration, Hakha public decide to protest against erratic and insufficient power supplies tomorrow.
Since early 2011, Chin MPs including Pu Zung Hlei Thang has raised questions about supply of electricity to towns across Chin State in Hluttaw sessions held in Naypyitaw. 
Source: Chinland Guardian

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